Whitetail Rendezvous is all about Deer Hunting

We talk about the best equipment, food plots, technology and how to use that gear to gain an advantage in the field. If you are new to hunting, a DIY hunter, or you hunt with the best outfitters across the country, you are going to learn several tips on each and every show that will help you to have success while you are whitetail deer hunting.We interview the nation’s leading experts on hunting whitetail deer from all over North America to get you the inside scoop on what is working and what isn’t. We share the best hunting stories and we try to educate hunters on the best tips and tactics to have success whether you are hunting archery season, black powder or rifle hunting mature whitetail deer.
Come join us as we share the traditions of hunting, the campfire stories of great hunts, introducing women and kids to the outdoors and stories from our past with Whitetail Rendezvous host and executive Producer Bruce Hutcheon.
About Bruce
I retired about four years ago and began spending more and more days hunting whitetails. I quickly realized that while traveling cross county to the Midwest from my home in Colorado I had hours of windshield time to get Whitetail smart. How the heck was I going to connect to audio information?
Answer, podcasts off my smart phone. Quickly I realized that while there were some good whitetail focused podcasts out there I just was not getting the info I wanted. Returning from last fall’s hunts I spent time listening to many different podcast forums and gained a lot of knowledge about podcasts.
I sure had a lot to learn about the how, what, why and when of producing value based content on a consistent basis for those with a passion for Whitetails. I knew that if I wanted to great focused information, useful strategies, new techniques and ideas on how it’s done right so would thousands of others.
The work really began when my good friend, Bob Roark said he was interested in the project and wanted to help bring it to life. Phew, was I glad about that for hundreds of reasons. He helped me develop the foundation of Whitetail Rendezvous.
From an idea the project morphed into a passion to a build whitetail community that shares “great stuff” with guys & gals just like you.
I’ve shared the idea behind Whitetail Rendezvous now let me share some of my background.
Hi I am Bruce Hutcheon; I was born in Providence, Rhode Island. Lived my first 14 years in Foster Center Rhode Island. Like many kids growing up from New England I loved being in the woods learning about critters, catching trout with a worm, playing little league baseball with trips to Fenway park to watch the Red Sox’s beat the Yankee’s and playing football and basketball with my pals.
My mentor for outdoor adventures was Otto Knight, a neighbor. He loved the out of doors and made sure I learned how to do things right. Otto opened up the outdoor world to me and I am grateful.
All that change when I was heading to 9th grade, my dad, who worked for Chrysler MoPar Division, was promoted and moved the family to Long Island. Yikes, from a town of some 1000 people to a high school that had that many kids in all four grades.
I was not ready for that experience at all. The school was Massapequa High School. My freshman year was saved because they had a freshman football team and being on the team helped me make some friends and slowly adjust to an entirely different environment.
It took work to become one of the guys but football and in the spring track made all the difference. Right before my senior year I got my dream job, Life guard at TOBAY Beach, Town of Oyster Bay to be exact.
Wow, a job at the beach with some of my high school teammates, senior year with money in my pocket and the hope of playing football and running track at a college. Life was good. Ready for college? Yeah right.
My grades were less than stellar so eastern schools were out. Fortunately I heard about a college in Wisconsin that had an awesome reputation for football and track. I applied and they accepted me. Made the freshman football squad and started classes. Oh, the college was just about a thousand kids larger than my high school so adjusting to my new surroundings was a heck of a lot easier than my high school freshman year. I started out as a physical education major with minor in history played football, ran track and met my wonderful wife Kathy.

Going to college on college loans made it critical for me to work during semesters and all summer. Fortunate for me I meet an upperclassman named, Dick Rogers who owned a bar called the Library. Soon I was studying at “the Library” three nights during the week plus every Saturday night.
Being from out of state I was unable to go home for Thanksgiving so Dick asked me to come to his family’s home in Union Center, WI for the holiday.

Oh, he also said I needed to get a shot gun or 30-30 because we would be hunting deer on the family farm. I doubled my work hours, got about $50 dollars extra, and bought a shot gun, a small box of slugs, a red hat, red coveralls and a license.
The year was 1966 and I have been chasing whitetails and a lot of other critters ever since. During this hunt Dick introduced me to Harry Shear of Hillsboro, Wisconsin, his brother in law.

Harry told stories about growing up deer hunting in Wisconsin, taking trips out west to Wyoming to hunt elk, mule’s and antelope. In the process, Harry joined Otto, sending me on a journey that has covered North America from Ungava Bay to Illimani, Pierceland, SK. to Union Center, WI, Thorofare River in WY to Taseko Lake, BC and a few more places in between.
Late in 1967 my college journey was disrupted by the Vietnam War. I was going to be drafted so I left college enlisted in the United State Coast Guard and headed to Cape May, New Jersey for boot camp. From there I went to washington DC to serve in the Presidential Honor Guard for 12 months, spit and polish 24/7. From Washington I head to San Diego Air Station to serve as part of the search and rescue team. My role was that as survival equipment man.
I worked with rafts, packed and repaired parachutes, maintained ordinance and completed rescue operations from the rear door of a Sikorksy HH3F helicopter. Some interesting and historic moments happened that I will share on a future podcast.
Kathy and I returned to University of Wisconsin – La Crosse in January of 1971. I switched majors to Business Administration. I improved my grade point significantly and graduated with a BS degree in August of 1972.
My working career started out with the Trane Company as a sales engineer. I loved the sales part but the engineering was just not for me. Fortunately I found the Research Institute of America owned by Lawyers Cooperative Publishing which was later purchased by Thomson Reuters.
My career spanned over 30 successful years of sales and sales management. There was a brief but exciting foray into the dot.com world or should I say dot bomb industry for a few years but when that ended abruptly. Along the way I completed a MBA degree.
I have sat on a couple of conservation and nonprofit boards; RMBS, Colorado Chapter , Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation, Springs Rescue Mission. Most recently I was elected as a state delegate to Colorado Parks and Wildlife Sportsman’s Roundtable.
My Colorado outdoor experiences have enabled me to be a contributor to goHunt.com as a Colorado profile Insider contributor as well as having two hunting articles published. Lasts December, one of my articles appeared in Mountain Hunter, the magazine of Guide and Outfitter Association of British Columbia.
Never one to say I am done creating new projects, the birth of Whitetail Rendezvous is enabling me to share common interest, hear some amazing people tell their story, bring together a community of listeners with common passions yet dissimilar backgrounds all because we love Whitetail’s and the forests, woodlots, prairies and creek bottoms they call home.
Let me say thank you for joining me on this journey at Whitetail Rendezvous. My hope is that if even one episode sparks a thought, fills in a blank or creates a new opportunity on the pursuit of Whitetails than it has all been worthwhile.
If you find benefit in the podcast and the information shared at Whitetail Rendezvous, please subscribe to Whitetail Rendezvous Podcast And leaving a review! http://bit.ly/subscribetopodcastnow
What’s in it for you the subscriber? More content rich episodes, more techniques and strategies that are proven in the field. Plus you will not want to miss our special episodes covering the “RUT”
Whitetail Rendezvous community is getting ready to journey with thousands of listeners who are passionate about Whitetails